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Showing posts from September, 2023


Sen-Fi's 2023 IEM Tier List

Before the year ends I created this tier list for fun and wanted to categorize the IEMs I reviewed, auditioned, and owned. DISCLAIMER: Anything on this tier list is subjective. You can refer below to how I logically categorize some of the IEMs on this list This list is not the "one true tier list" or the "gospel". Geez, I'm not that much of an expert and what's good for you may not be good for others, vice versa. I'm basically doing this for fun, I currently have an issue on my right ear so I won't be doing some reviews for a while. Everything on the list is tried and tested, I won't include anything I haven't tested. I won't put description on every IEMs on the list unless I have to justify it. Just have fun reading my tier list, no need to be too serious. Sen-Fi 2023 Tier List GOD Tier  (not in my official Tier List. These are basically revered being in God Tier because of their paramount price, only a selected few can own it, and it ha...

TRUTHEAR Hexa : Truthear's Attempt to a Neutral Pair

TRUTHEAR X CRINACLE Zero Red : Loving This Was Red

KBEAR KW1 - Sturdy and Bassy

ND DD3 - New to the Party

SIMGOT EA2000 : Shining Brilliance