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Sen-Fi's 2023 IEM Tier List

Before the year ends I created this tier list for fun and wanted to categorize the IEMs I reviewed, auditioned, and owned. DISCLAIMER: Anything on this tier list is subjective. You can refer below to how I logically categorize some of the IEMs on this list This list is not the "one true tier list" or the "gospel". Geez, I'm not that much of an expert and what's good for you may not be good for others, vice versa. I'm basically doing this for fun, I currently have an issue on my right ear so I won't be doing some reviews for a while. Everything on the list is tried and tested, I won't include anything I haven't tested. I won't put description on every IEMs on the list unless I have to justify it. Just have fun reading my tier list, no need to be too serious. Sen-Fi 2023 Tier List GOD Tier  (not in my official Tier List. These are basically revered being in God Tier because of their paramount price, only a selected few can own it, and it ha...

Kinera Urd - Diving Into Deep Waters

Kinera Urd is one of the latest tri-brid IEMs from Kinera. It has 2 Sonion EST + 1 Kinera Custom BA + 8mm Dual Dynamic Drivers. I am excited to review this pair since I have high expectations for them and they did not seem to fail.


  • I am not affiliated with Kinera and have received no monetary compensation for writing this review. This unit is provided by HiFiGo in exchange for  an honest and unbiased review.
  • I am not a professional reviewer and would only use simple terms for most beginners, and experts in the hobby to understand.


The unboxing experience is a wonderful one. I am not a fan of the multiple fonts used on the box, though. The whole package is encased in a hexagonal box with lots of text and random stuff. For $650, a lot of eartips are included, as is a collaboration with Final Audio with 5 pairs of Final eartips. However, the rest of the eartips feel too cheap for a $650 package.

Kinera Urd nozzles

What's inside the box?


Kinera Urd in Hakugei Healer Cable

Kinera Urd's modular plugs


No arguments here, the build quality is outstanding. The Urd has a cool and refreshing design that reflects the wonders of the oceans. The cables look sturdy and can take a beating. The modular cables don't feel loose, I can't assure that in the long run, but the plugs look very seamless. As for the eartips, do we even need to doubt the Final E eartips? We all know these have been our go-to budget eartips for their comfort and durability. I can't say for the rest of the eartips. For $650 the rest of the eartips feels very cheap. Could have expected at least an Azla Sednafit replacing the clear KBEAR-like eartips, and a Comply memory foam tips, am I asking for too much? I think I am.


BASS: The bass has good impact and quantity. The attack and decay are very quick on the uptake but lack sub-bass depth and rumble. The midbass is more defined, with  a robust body and subtle punches. The overall bass is very balanced, with no exaggeration or dominance on the lower frequencies. Die-hard bassheads will have to take a pass on these pairs. This would still be a go to pair if you are not that much of a basshead.

MIDS:  The mids have excellent resolution, harmony, and details. The synergy between the vocals and instruments offers an almost lifelike and engaging experience. Instruments are exceptional, especially stringed instruments. Seriously, Here Comes The Sun sounded way different than I remember, and the acoustic guitar is very emphasized. The bass guitar is an exception; I can barely feel the bass playing on the same track. Personally, I prefer the female vocals in this pair, as they sound richer in comparison to the male vocals. The Urd smoothly transitions from the upper mids with no harshness and obvious peaks.

TREBLE: Treble is surprisingly inoffensive and laid-back. The big drawback of the treble is that it may be too safe for some, it is lacking in treble energy, so you'll definitely miss all the sheen and sparkle. It doesn't seem to share the same level of coherency between the lower and middle frequencies 

TECHNICALITIES: While IEMs, especially closed back in-ear monitors, don't offer the same openness and space compared to open-back sets, the soundstage of the Urd is wide and a lot more decent than most IEMs in the market. Sounds coming from this pair don't feel congested and float in a specific area. This gives a good sense of space between the vocals and instruments. Details and microdetails are decent despite its safe tuning, and you may hear sounds you've never heard before in a good recording. The Urd can keep you engaged for hours with its almost lifelike tonality. It still suffers from a lack of dynamics and has an overall laid-back presentation. The overall technicalities are not the best, but they are not the worst either.

The Kinera Urd stands out as one of the most impressive and visually stunning in-ear monitors in the Chi-Fi market. Overall, my experience with the Kinera Urd has been overwhelmingly positive, with only a few minor drawbacks. Although the bass may be somewhat lacking in quantity, it still delivers a satisfying punch, and the mids are truly blissful - particularly for plucked string instruments, the treble is inoffensive, and technicalities are excellent for the price point. However, at a price point of $650, investing in the Kinera Urd is a significant commitment, and there is a risk of not liking it after purchase. I really recommend if you get a first-hand experience with it.
  • Great soundstage
  • Excellent tonality
  • Looks bulky, but it's comfortable and surprisingly light
  • Lifelike vocals and outstanding emphasis on some stringed instruments
  • Has a favorable intimacy with female vocals
  • Premium build and a wonderful unboxing experience
  • Modular cables
  • Lower frequencies lack sufficient weight
  • Lacking treble energy and clarity
  • Expensive


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